The Department of Physics provides vibrant and stimulating environment for PhD research work in many branches of physics. The main areas of research are Photonics, Materials Science, Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics and Nuclear physics. The Ph.D. program offers direct admission to the NET-JRF/GATE qualified students and also to limited number of others students through entrance examination conducted by the University. The program is flexible and student centred, facilitated by joint supervision wherever desired by the student according to need and interest that enables the students to achieve research excellence. PhD supervisors have strong publication record and have interest in tackling research problems in innovative ways.

Course Scheme Course Syllabus Prospectus

OBJECTIVE : The Department offers M.Sc. Physics Programme which caters to the needs of ever increasing application oriented world of today. The programme comprises Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Laser Physics that forms a major tool for determining electronic structures starting from biomolecules, non-linear optical materials like organic dyes. Opto-Electronics, Fiber Optics Communication and Laser Science are also recurring themes of the present course. Recently a course on 'Radiation Physics' has also been introduced as an elective paper along with laboratory work. The syllabi/ curricula for the same have been formulated in consultation with Health Physics Division of BARC Mumabi and Radio Ecology Centre of our University. Laboratories are equipped with the modern experimental set up. Project work is an essential component of curriculum for M.Sc. Physics students.