I welcome you to this seat of higher learning which has the honour of having been thrice accredited 'A' grade and once 'A+' grade by National Assessment & Accreditation Council. In my considered view your decision to choose this University for shaping your careers in the field of Science & Technology is well thought out and appropriate. It is now widely accepted that this is an institution with a difference in terms of state-of-the-art infrastructure, good governance, teaching-learning processes, student support and progression and peaceful environment. All these things have resulted in a positive attitude of stakeholders towards this institution, consideration by funding and accreditation agencies and support from the State Government. Recently the University has been chosen as one of the few universities of the country for Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN). In this programme, the faculty from developed countries will be invited to strengthen our academic programmes. This has made us feel more responsible and responsive towards all the stakeholders including the students, parents, government and the society in general.

Dear Students, you will agree that a person entering higher education is also ripe for sharing responsibility towards the parents, institution and the nation. I, therefore, call upon you to share such responsibilities for common good of society while using your full potential to shape your careers during your stay in this campus. The university is determined to provide training and skill development for better placement.

The prospectus and website provides all relevant information which will be of utmost use to you during the academic session. I would also recommend that you keep on visiting University website www.gjust.ac.in and stay in touch with your department offices for continuous updating of your information base. A careful reading of the prospectus and surfing of university website will help you become more aware about the systems present in this institution and thus make your stay more fruitful and congenial. I end up this note with my best wishes to you all for a brighter career, rich experiences and pleasant association with all constituents of the University.